Saturday, January 3, 2015

What a Successful Ninja Turtle Party Takes


So, a year later and I'm back at it again!  This time, we opted for a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (TMNT) party.  First, my go-to tricks of the trade were adhesive spray, spray paint and my trusty glue gun.

I've come to the realization that home parties are NO CHEAPER than going to a party-friendly venue, but the planning, the preparing and the memories that they create far make it worth the effort and I do disclaim "I'm that mom, over the top!"

Invitations, I made for free.  I found some TMNT images online and printed them on free card stock. Oh, and to kick it old school, I sent them via snail mail.

Make-Your-Own Invitations!  The price is right!

Another August, another outdoor party!  We have the perfect yard with a swing set, a huge sandbox and an inground pool.  The only underlying anxiety that starts as soon as you send out the invitations is the worry about the weather.   August, well at least here, can either be a beautiful sunny day in the 80's or a tropical deluge--we got the quintessential New England August afternoon!  I will mention, we have been at the other side of that gamble.

Again, after ditching the clown last year and running my first birthday party (see my Pirate Party Blog), I took what I learned last year and refined.  First, instead of coralling the children as soon as they come in, I welcomed all of them, gave them a loot bag for them to stash their party treasures with their name on it.

Oh, before I begin with the game ideas, etc., there are two things that every party needs, wait, make that three.  First, everyone needs a Brenda!  Brenda is good friend/coworker who has been my sounding board for every party I have planned.  She volunteered her services as my party helper!  A great service and a great price--free!  When selecting this friend, choose a friend you work well with, understands that you are in charge and is more than willing to take direction.

Next, everybody needs a Missy!  Missy is a long-time friend who I knew I could approach to ask to take pictures and, not only would she not mind, she offered to use her new amazing camera.  Since she was the photographer, I have not a one picture of her.  However, all these wonderful pictures are thanks to Missy.

Lastly, my third must-have person and new for this year, was my lifeguard Tara.  The best 50 bucks spent on the party.  You've read headline story after headline story of tragic accidents involving pools, children and birthday parties.  Ask a reliable college kid to lifeguard your pool for the party.  It's a win, win, because it's the best investment for the party because it protects the safety of the children in the pool and what college kid is going to say "no" to 50 bucks for a couple of hours.  In addition, I had more positive comments from relieved parents that there was just another set of eyes on their children.

Tara - Lifeguard


Nothing more mischievous than a pack of disengaged children, especially six year olds.  Thankfully, the Turtles are HUGE this year so I didn't have to go far to get party favors, gift ideas and game ideas off the internet.  What's the saying "good artists borrow, great ones STEAL!"  The internet and Pintrest provides the seeds and your creativity grows -- the fruits of labor.

Game 1 - Scavenger Hunt

If you're planning for a party for a six year old or in this age group, the scavenger hunt theme appeals and engages them.  I printed off some images on TMNT allies and enemies onto 8 1/2 by 11" paper and them laminated them.  I then scored some free round labels and with each picture I attached a sheet of labels with a letter on them.  Each picture would be hidden in the yard and the children would search for the pictures and once found, they would get a label with a letter on them.  With each picture, came a letter and each letter went into a "secret code" that they had to crack.  Because I was previously a legal secretary, I'm well versed with Word and PowerPoint, so I shrunk the images that I copied on to a key card.  Some children at this age have difficulty reading so I had them match the image and stick the letter next to it.

This picture shows a happy party goer next to one of the pictures with the labels stuck to it.  He is holding the key card.  Before I forget, the code cracked was TURTLES RULE.

Keycard with Scavenger Hunt Picture.
Birthday Boy RJ pulling off a sticker
RJ finding another picture for the Scavenger Hunt

Party goers on the Hunt!  Nothing like seeing children engaged! 
What surprised me about this activity is just how engaged they were.  They loved it!  Once the card was completed, the participant received a TMNT grab & go activity package.  Again, the Turtles were huge, I picked these up at Five Below for $1 each and have since seen them at Wal-Mart.

Game 2 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Relay Dress-Up

This is definitely the game that put me in the "fanatical-mom category."  As much as I anticipated this activity would be a hit -- I underestimated just how much the children would love this!  I saw on Pintrest a TMNT shell sewn from felt and strapped around the child's waste with a belt.  I loved that idea and knew right away I wanted to incorporate that into my party, but How?  I wasn't worry about where to get the shells, because I sew, so I went down to my local Joann Fabric with my 40% off coupons and bought a bunch of felt.  Felt, love it for kid costumes and crafts, it's cheap, made out of recycled material, durable, no need to sew raw edges and it comes in many bright colors.  To make the shells, I cut out turtle shell shapes with green felt, I aligned a colored strap (one of the Turtle colors, red, blue, purple, orange) in the middle to be like a strap and then proceeded to sew a 1" to 1 1/2" seam around the outside and left an opening at the top so I could stuff them a little with polyfill.  I then cut out turtle shell shapes in the coordinately color of the belt.  This enabled us to distinguish between Team Raph, Team Leo, Team Donnie and Team Mikey.   I glue gunned the pieces on the back of the shell and you can see them on the picture below (I believe this a Donnie Shell).

Even the older kids, loved the shells! Thanks D for modeling!
I found cheap Turtle masks online (@ $2 for 8) and some cheap swords (I was worried that I'd make many enemies with the parents but did not) because a Turtle needs a weapon.  I then divided up the children into four each groups and assigned mom helpers to assist with dressing the Turtles.  I told the children that once your team is all dress, root for the other teams.  When choosing games, make being the winner insignificant and lessen the competition.  I want all the children to enjoy their party experience and not feel bad if they did not win.   The pictures below show the relay in action.

I love this picture!  I was telling them how to play the relay and they were already engaged!

Relay Begins!

Relay in Process

Mad Dash Back
Again, the kids LOVED this!  I had several parents comment that their child slept with their Turtle Shell on that night.  Also, the picture below was my end goal and I told the children that once they were all dressed that I wanted them to line up with their shells facing me so I could get a picture.

Tons of Turtles after the Relay

Game 3 - Mutagen Quest

I loved this game because it was one of those "at your leisure" type of games.  I knew it was going to be a another big hit because when my son and I were preparing the rocks, he kept asking me to hide them so he could find them.

I made a couple of treks to the beach and loaded up on some small rocks that could easily fit two or three in their hand.  I just didn't want to get ones that were too large because they would be too heavy to carry.  I also used some gravel rocks that we used under our deck.  At the beginning of August, we started spray painting them fluorescent green so they would look like mutagen.  Don't know what mutagen is?  It is the chemical substance that morphed the Turtles into their current state/shape.

This was a great activity because it gave the children something to do while I transitioned from food to cupcakes and ice cream.  I took this picture at the end of the night.  Again, this was another big hit as well.

Mutagen Quest - Bucket Drop Off

Also, I am nostalgic with these parties.  With the party being over, we have mutagen rocks scattered throughout the rock beds in the yard.  We made a "walk the plank" for our pirate party the year before that still sits in the yard--much to my husband's chagrin.  These parties go so fast, its nice to have a memory that hangs around.


One thing I have learned, in general, sitting kids down to eat when there are some many other fun things going on is hard to do!  I've moved away from having a sit-down meal (like pizza) into have fun finger snacks that kids can eat on the go and keeps hunger at bay.  Also, it's quite fun to take ordinary food and modify it to put it into your party theme.

First, purchased four green plastic bowls as Wal-Mart.  I adhered a felt mask on each one (loving adhesive spray these days) and colored in their eyes with a marker.  Instant, TMNT bowls.

With the four bowls, I had one bowl of fruit salad called "Cowabunga Salad," I had Tosito Scoops and called them "Turtle Shells with Salsa," packages of TMNT gummy snacks and a bowl of Doritos.  I also made several packages of pizza bites because the Turtles love pizza.  I also made green jello and placed in small plastic cups with covers and called that "Mutagen."  I had a cooler stalked with kid-friendly drinks and one separate for adults.

As for cake and ice cream, I'm a big fan of cupcakes and Hoodies!  I had a former coworker of mine make these TMNT cupcakes.  They were cute and delicious!!


One tradition RJ and I have continued throughout each party theme is the homemade piñata.  It is quite the bonding experience putting it together beginning the month ahead of the party.  You also get to stash it with many cool toys and treats.  Oriental Trading is wonderful for piñata stash.  Not only are their prices reasonable, their service is unmatched and you can usually score free shipping.

The Piñata below I made by attaching four balloons together.  There are tons of piñata directions online so definitely peruse to see what you like.  Anything handmade, homemade is always a big hit.  It doesn't have to look like a million bucks to be priceless!

TMNT Piñata 
Piñata Fun Begins

Instead of sending kids off with a stash bag, they already have their prize from the first game, a TMNT dress ensemble and a loot bag, the piñata loot is a perfect send-off for the kids.  In addition, after the piñata, the party begins to wrap up.  It begins a nice transition from party to end of party.  As  the party unwinds, its usual a good time to begin opening presents and saying good-byes and giving thanks for those who have come to spend an afternoon with you.

Turtle Invasion!

Sprayed plastic black serving trays gray, adhered a TMNT logo on to create a sewer cover - free!

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